Avis and Effie Hotchkiss:
Avis and Effie Hotchkiss were mother and daughter. In 1915, they rode from New York to California to attend the San Francisco World’s Fair on a three speed V-twin Harley Davidson which made them the first female riders to cross the United States. That Harley Davidson was equipped with a sidecar to accommodate Avis. It took them nearly two months to reach California. Upon reaching San Francisco, Effie made it a point to make a splash in the Pacific Coast ocean so that she experienced the waters of both coasts before making their way back to New York.
Adeline and Augusta Van Buren:
Adeline and Augusta Van Buren were sisters. In 1916, they climb up and down Pike’s Peak with a pair of Indian Power+ Bikes which made them the first people ever to climb up and down Pike’s Peak. They too completed a transcontinental ride. It took nearly two months to complete the 3,300-mile trip.
Bessie Stringfield: Bessie Stringfield was the first African-American woman to travel cross-country individually. It was at the age of 19 in 1929. She did it with a 1928 Indian Scout. Bessie traveled through all of the lower 48 states during the 1930s and 1940s at a time when the country was rife with prejudice and hatred. She later rode in Europe, Brazil, and Haiti and during World War II she served as one of the few motorcycle despatch riders for the United States military. Must Known fact about her she is famously known as the Motorcycle Queen of Miami and Bessie Stringfield started riding when she was 16.