Saturday, May 11, 2013
The 2013 kawasaki Ninja 300 SE

Here is 2013 Kawasaki Ninja 300, this bike made to refine the 250R which is considered there are some errors in the design. However, one ride on the 2013 Kawasaki Ninja 300 ABS will eliminate any feelings of loss or regret.Although not a completely new motorcycle, the Ninja 300 has enough changes from the 250R that Kawasaki has created what is truly a new model.

The 2013 Kawasaki Ninja 300 used Four-stroke of engine, liquid-cooled, DOHC, parallel twin. Besides that this bike is equipped with a fuel injection DFI with dual 32mm throttle bodies, six-speed of transmission and Ignition TCBI with digital advance. Kawasaki bumped up the Ninja 250Rs displacement by 20-percent, adding 8mm to the stroke. This gives the twin-cylinder 300 a huge bump in pulling power - a longer header pipe also helps - and that means more acceleration without having to constantly run the motor in the five-digit rev range. And to reduce the speed, kawasaki gives single 290mm petal-type disc with two-piston hydraulic caliper and ABS and 220mm on the rear.

Handling has improved in the canyons, thanks to a revised suspension setting, a 10mm wider rear IRC RX-01 tire, a longer wheelbase, and a stiffer frame. The tire and wheelbase give the Ninja 300 additional stability.The newly gusseted frame helps the bike go exactly where pointed, without any hesitation. With the additional power, the handling must be improved on any motorcycle, and the Ninja 300 gets it. The shock gets firmer damping and adding stability.

The 2013 Kawasaki Ninja 300 sold in two variants, ABS ($5,499) and non-ABS (($4,799). kawasaki only made one distinctive color variants, lime Green / Ebony with Special Edition Graphics. And as a complement, 12 months Of warranty gives for the customer.